Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back From Vacation

Thanksgiving was great....time to hang with the family, relax, and eat a lot of good food. Israel is in less than a month and I'm ready to get back to it. I've been looking at the archives for workouts and this week I plan on doing the following (still need to run it by Brandon and Jason):

Monday - Originally 020204:

Workout of the Day


Lot's of deadlift; 15 sets, load it up! 5-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps.

Tuesday - Originally 020205:

Workout of the Day


Jump rope for sixty seconds, rest for sixty seconds. Continue this for forty minutes.

Wednesday - Originally 020206:

Workout of the Day


Perform 7 Rounds of this Circuit for Time:

5 Pull-ups
7 Dips (use rings if you got'em)
1 Rope Climb
10 Push-ups
12 Back/Hip Extension
15 Sit-ups
20 Squats


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Yesterday was a really rough day on my back. We did the 2 things that really aggravate it - running, stopping, and running again and back extensions. The workout was as follows:

3 rounds for time:
-800m run
-50 back extensions
-50 crunches (substitute for sit-ups)

My total time was 43:35.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Quotes, Pt. 1

I'm looking at a bunch of old CF WOD's and stumbling along some great quotes:

"To exercise at or near capacity is the best way I know of reaching a true introspective state. If you do itright, it can open all kinds of inner doors."
-Al Oerter, 4 time Olympic Gold Medalist

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence."
-Vince Lombardi

"You have to go into the jungle, find the lion, and spit in his face...then shoot him. You guys are not good enough to win and talen have to want it."
-Herb Brooks, Coach of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team

"Nobody ever got fit, or even close, through a comination of long slow aerobics and bodybuilding routines."
-Greg Glassman

Athlete's Motivation

"He's soft and he's fat and he's wearing my clothes and he's getting too old and he was born on my birthday and I'm afraid if I stop running, he'll catch up with me."



Last night we did the following:

5 X 1 - Shoulder Press - 95lbs, 115lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs, 145lbs
5 X 3 - Push Press - 145lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs, 175lbs, 175lbs
5 X 5 - Push Jerk - All w/ 165 lbs. (On set 4,5 - could only get 4 up)

Compare to:

Monday, November 12, 2007

The hardest part is getting there....

Well, today was the first time I worked out in 6 days and it showed. But, that's ok because I just needed to get back into the flow of things. I did a 5000m row with a total time of 30:44. Now that I overcame that hurdle of just making it to the gym, things will start to improve.


Monday, November 5, 2007

11.4.07 - "Nasty Girls"

3 rounds for time:

-50 squats
-35 assisted pullups w/ the gravitron
-35 bench dips
-10 hang cleans w/ 115 lbs.

Total time: approx. 45 min (stopwatch died)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


My weight is down to 231! 2 weeks ago it was at 239 so this is awesome. Today we did the following:

Back squats - 7 sets X 3 reps
-205 lbs
-225 lbs
-245 lbs
-255 lbs
-265 lbs
-275 lbs
-275 lbs (Only 2 reps, didn't feel like I could get the 3rd without hurting myself)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

10.30.07 - "Jackie"

I'm definitely getting back in the zone. We found this great gym that no one knows about on campus and it's something straight out of Rocky. All old equipment, it's dark, no one is there - great for doing Crossfit workouts.

For time:
-1000m row (completed in 3:53)
-50 thrusters w/ 45 lb bar
-30 barbell row (tried doing pull-ups but my hands were too tore up from yesterday)

Total time: 15:27

10.29.07 - "Angi"

-80 modified pullups (pull up as far as possible, about 3/4 of way)
-90 pushups
-100 crunches
-100 air squats

Total time: 43:38

Monday, October 22, 2007

10.22.07 Workout - "Grace"

For time:
30 Power Cleans and Push Jerks

Time: 9:57 - a 5 minute improvement since the last time we did this workout

10.21 Workout

CrossFit Total: 1 Rep Max of Back Squat, Shoulder Press, and Dead Lift.

Back Squat: 295 lbs.
Shoulder Press: 125 lbs.
Dead Lift: 275 lbs.

Total: 695 lbs.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


So yesterday was a rest day and it was needed. On Tuesday we did the WOD to the full scale as best we could. It was as 3 rounds for time:
-35 tuck jumps
-25 Thrusters w/ 95 lbs.
-15 pullups

I did the pull-ups as best I could. I ended up pulling myself up as far as I could and holding it for 10 secs. Total time to complete the workout was about 47 minutes. Which isn't bad except others were completing it in 20 min. So, you can bet that the next time that this one comes up we'll have a much better time.

Diet is going well except after getting home from the library last night I had some pizza because I was starving. But, the good news is that it is gone and not in the house anymore.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

PR and some other stuff

So today we did 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 deadlift and I set a Personal Record at 245 lbs. Here are the weights I did for each lift:

But, my diet needs to get better. I'm still eating smaller, healthy meals, but it's not really being tracked and recording. And, I ate pizza today. So, I need to keep better track of what I eat and not eat pizza (unless it's my cheat meal).


Sunday, September 30, 2007


Things are going well. I had 3 exams last week and I think I did pretty good on all of them. With that, I worked out on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I don't really remember what we did on Monday and Tuesday, but on Thursday Brandon came with Jason and I and did the WOD. It was as follows:
-1500m row
-35 thrusters
-750m row
-25 thrusters
-500m row
-15 thrusters

We completed the workout in 22 min. I did the thrusters with 15 lb dumbbells because my shoulders were too sore to use 20 lbs.

After a great weekend, Jason and I got back in the gym today and we were a little winded after the warmup. The workout we did was:
As many rounds as you can complete in 20 min:
-5 pull-ups
-10 push-ups
-15 air squats

Now, since I can't really do pull-ups, I did 3 instead of 5. I was able to do 3 each set for the first 3 sets and then had to switch to doing 3, 8-sec arm hangs because I couldn't pull myself up. I completed 6 full sets and was half way through the 7th when the 20 min was up.

With that, the diet is going pretty well too. I've been able to minimize cravings and I've been drinking a lot of water.

So, I'm gonna go take a shower and get some rest. More to come tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Own Worst Enemy....

So, I have 2 exams on Thursday - I could care less. But, I need to study for them. Sunday and yesterday were real good, but I had no classes on Sunday and only 1 yesterday. Today, I had 4. Now, I've got 3 hours before I'm going to workout. Somehow, just writing this makes me feel more motivated to get it done. I'll let you know how it goes.



I'm starting to feel back in the swing of things - it was the same way I felt about 2 weeks into the summer. I've been talking for the last 2 weeks about getting started. I've worked out a few times and ate a few healthy meals but then I'd relapse. Now, I've actually buckled down and I feel very disciplined about what I'm doing. When I felt this way during the summer, it became a great 12 week program. Hopefully, I'll have the same results.

Yesterday's workout:
-5x3 reps: hang cleans
-Wt: 135, 135, 155, 155, 155

My eating is better too. I can't remember exactly what I ate yesterday, but I'm eating smaller portions of healthier food more often.

In the next few days, I'll be working out but probably not able to post as often. I'll be keeping track and posting when I have the opportunity.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So, I messed up my back working out yesterday and I couldn't work out today. Yesterday, we did hang cleans and push-ups and as we went on, my form got worse.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get back at it on Friday. (Tomorrow is Rosh hashannah)


Monday, September 10, 2007

78 days....

That's right - the countdown has begun! I have 78 days (or 11 weeks and 1 day) until I'll be down in Ft. Lauderdale for a family Bar Mitzvah. I forgot to weigh myself after I worked out earlier, but I know I still have some weight I need to lose. I've also put on a little bit of weight after BGR, so I'm not really a size 36 anymore. I'm more like a 37 lol. So, I want to keep feeling better, looking better, and dropping pant sizes! I'll have some metrics in the next few days so I can track my progress.


Goal: Week of 9/10/07

I didn't realize how goal-oriented and task-list needing I was until BGR was over and there was no structure in my life. So, there are 4 main areas in my life that I'm focusing on and fitness is one of them. Each week, I will have a goal of the week that will be a smaller sub-goal of my main fitness goal.

This week my goal is to workout 3 days in a row. Crossfit is the most effective when you do 3 days on, 1 day off. I worked out today, I plan on getting up early before class tomorrow, and then again on Wednesday morning. Once I get into a routine, working out 3 days in a row will be something very easy to do.


Damn right...

Man it feels good to be back! I've been dragging ass and making up every excuse possible not to get into the gym. Well, I decided over the weekend that no matter what I'd be in there Monday morning. I even put it in my calendar - if it makes it to the calendar it'll get done. Well, after class I headed over to catch the bus and after waiting for about 5 minutes, I said screw it and I ran to the RSC. Once I was there I did the Workout of the Day with the following weights:

5 x1 - Shoulder press w/ 95,95,95,115, and 115
5 x 3 - Push press w/ 105,115,125,135, and125
5 x 5 - Push jerk w/ 125, 135, 135, 125, and 95

I've also started eating better (like I was over the summer). Today I had a banana, Special K bar, and a cup of coffee for breakfast, a banana and a protein shake for a snack, and for lunch I had 2 small pork cutlets (made them the other night) on wheat bread with a handful of almonds and a nectarine.

Even though I didn't sleep well last night (I probably only got about 5 hrs of sleep), I feel better than I have in the last 3 weeks.


Friday, August 31, 2007

Baby steps

Tomorrow begins the Get Fit Program 2.0. Instead of doing random workouts and going running, I'm going back to Crossfit. I'll also be following my eating plan more closely. Watch for a post tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm back

Oh yeah...I'm feeling pretty good - I ate pretty well today and I ran for a decent distance as well. My next big goal is a Bar Mitzvah that I'm going to in Ft. Lauderdale in Thanksgiving. My laptop is about to die so I'll post more tomorrow - but I'm back!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Second Coming

BGR 2007 is now over! It was a great year and it is definitely bittersweet that it's over. With that, it's time to reevaluate my fitness goals - because goal number one was to get in shape for BGR. I lost 20 lbs. and 4 inches off of my waist before BGR - but I definitely put a little bit of it back on. Now, it's time to look what's happening over the upcoming semester and year. Keep posted for what is going to be happening in the next few weeks (sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm still extremely sleep deprived).

Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm back. Sorry for not posting, I've been pretty busy. Over the past few weeks, I've been working out but not staying on schedule. I've also gotten a little loose about my diet, but I'm back on with that too. Yesterday, I went up to the high school down the street and ran a mile on the track - it felt good to be back in a stadium on the football field. After doing that, I then went and hit the 5-man sled for a little bit. I did a few get off's but you can't push a sled unless everyone is there. So I did an agility drill where you fire into the first bag and then shuffle down the line and hit the other bags in succession. It felt so good to hit something again. After doing this 10 times, I puked - maybe it was because I was back behind the end zone of a football field again (those who read this who know I played know what I'm talking about) but it felt good just to be exhausted from busting my ass.

I'm going to workout at 7 and then play volleyball. I'll post later.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Almost there

Today was a rest day, but my diet was pretty good. I had sushi for lunch, but I got the lunch special (it was way cheaper) and it was tempura sushi. Could've been better, but not horrible. But, I weighed in this morning and I weigh 231!!! I'm 19 lbs. down. With about 1 month left before my BGR responsibilities start, it's time to really tighten down. I can't wait to keep going and see what I can do before BGR.


It's amazing what happens when you eat breakfast

So, for the last few days (actually about 2 weeks), I haven't really been eating a good breakfast. Either I've been skipping it all together or eating something small like a yogurt. I've also noticed that my energy levels have been down throughout the day. Well today, I forced myself to make enough time to have some eggs in the morning. What a difference it made. I had great energy throughout the day, was pumped and ready to go for my workout, and still had energy to play Capture the Flag with friends at night. I can definitely say that breakfast makes all the difference in the world.

I also had a really good workout. It was supposed to be 3 rounds for time of 45 lb. thrusters x 35 reps and 20 pullups but for the first 2 sets I was actually doing push jerks (I forgot what a thruster was until I looked at the guy next to me doing clean and jerks.) For the 3rd set, I did 35 thrusters and then pushed myself to do 25 more because I goofed ont he first 2 sets. I was so pumped that I pushed myself that hard (because that was the 3rd set after a lot of lifting over my head) that I forgot to do the pullups. Next time, I'll write my workout down when I go to lift - even if it was as simple as it was today.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Not too bad

Again today, my eating wasn't horrible but it wasn't great. Hopefully in the next few days, I'll have time to clean my apartment and I'll be able to cook some decent food. The WOD was a 5K run, so I did a 20 min. run instead.

Now, a little sleep and I'll talk to ya in the morning.


Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm back

It's been awhile since I last posted. I worked out a few times last week but I didn't post it and towards of the end of the week I struggled a little bit with my diet. We had a few going away parties for office staff and this weekend I was up at a friend's lakehouse - so there was a lot of beer and not a whole lot of healthy food.

But, all excuses are equal.

Today, all healthy eating (but I ran out of time to eat breakfast) and I had a good workout. It was a 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 front squat workout after a good warmup. Here are the weights I did:

After all of the tubing this weekend, I was pretty sore. I was glad that I was able to use that weight for working out for the first time in over a week and being really sore.

In a little bit, I'm about to have some fruit and then go play volleyball.

Have a good one,

Monday, June 18, 2007

Great New Start

Today was a frustrating day. Stupid stuff going on that's out of my control. So, I took control and had a great workout tonight. After work, I needed to blow off some steam so I went for a 15 min run. Then, I was going to come back and have dinner, but instead I chilled for a few minutes and went to the gym.

I did a quick warmup and then did the following:
18-15-12 w/ 85 lbs.:
-Dead lift
-Hang Cleans
-Front Squat
-Push Jerk

I was supposed to do 18-15-12-9-6 but my wrists were starting to give out and I couldn't hold the bar anymore - I thought it was a good idea to stop.

Eating was good but not great. I didn't eat anything bad, but I'm not back on my 5 meals a day schedule because I haven't had time to go to the grocery store. I was going to go tonight, but I went and played sand volleyball instead.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

New Start

After a little over a month, things are going pretty well. I'm down about 15 lbs., people are starting to notice that I'm losing weight, I feel better - it's going good. But, I've been traveling every weekend and after this past week of craziness, I got thrown a little off my game. It's really tough to stay motivated, eat healthy, and workout when your exhausted.

I'm ready for a new beginning. I'm going to look at the past few days as like a half time for my plan. I have a little less than 2 months until BGR and I still have a lot to do. The good thing is that I'm pumped and ready to go.

Sometimes, you just need to take a break and recharge.

I'll post tomorrow about my diet and workout.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's been a few days

So...I've been in Maryland since Thursday. I've managed to do a pretty good job of keeping up my diet and working out though while I was here. I got up early on Thursday and worked out before I left to the airport. I also woke up early Friday morning to workout and yesterday, while I didn't have time to go workout I did get some work in at the party (I did a lot of dancing and if you saw my shirt, you'd know what I was talking about).

My diet took a little bit of a hit but for the most part wasn't too bad. It's tough to stay true when you aren't preparing your food. I did the best I could and am looking forward to tightening back up this week.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Man, I'm more sore than I have ever been doing Crossfit. It's good that I had a day off. My eating wasn't horrible today, but it could've been better. I couldn't find my belt this morning (because I left it at home) and that made me late, so I had to skip breakfast. I had a grilled chicken wrap from Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and only had a few tortilla chips. I had a few handful of almonds throughout the afternoon (it was a crazy afternoon) and then had another Chicken and Spinich pizza for dinner.

The 2 games I was supposed to ump got cancelled today so I'm gonna go play tennis tonight. I'm umping the makeups tomorrow so I'll have to do a modified workout tomorrow.


Monday, June 4, 2007

I kicked my own ass

Wow, I was looking to do a great workout today and I found it. It's a rest day on the Crossfit site so I did some searching and found a great workout. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time:
-1000m row
-21 thrusters (hold the bar at your chest, squat down, and when you stand up push the weight above your head) w/ 65 lbs.

I forgot to stop my timer so I don't know my time, but I know I need to improve. The rowing was hard, but trying to do all 21 reps of the thrusters in 1 straight shot almost made me puke 3 times. The best I was able to do was 10, 6, and 5.

My diet was really good today as well. I had an egg sandwich for breakfast and I stayed full until lunch time. Then, I had leftovers from last night for lunch. At 1:30 and 3:30 I had a handful of almonds and a can of V8. Then I came home, had a few slices of turkey and another can of V8 and went and worked out. Finally, for dinner I had a mini chicken and spinich pizza. It was phoenominal.

Now, it's time for some errands, preparing for tomorrow's meeting and some sleep.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

A long time

Well it's been a few days since I last posted. I've been in Chicago celebrating a friend's birthday. I used Thursday night as my cheat meal and then ended up having to cheat on Friday night as well. However, I did get up on Saturday morning and work out and was able to get my eating back on track.

Today was a great day. I got up, ate an egg sandwich and went and worked out. I did 30 assisted pull-ups and 30 dips. My left arm is weaker then my right but it's starting to catch up. Also, it's nowhere near as hard to run as it was before. That's a great sign.

Then I went and did some shopping. It's offcial - I'm down 1 pant size!

For dinner, I had a great dish called Marco Pollo - it's chicken with tomatoes, zuccini, and basil. Really good and really easy to make.

Now, I'm about to go play some tennis.


P.S. It's 2 months to BGR! Time to tighten up the workouts and diet.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


After I got home from work, I had a banana and went and worked out. I did 3 rounds for time of the following:
-500m rowing
-35 dumbell thrusts w/ 15 lbs.

I don't have a time because I forgot to stop the timer.

Then, Ryan and I went and ate at Puccini's cause Tracy was working. Even though it could've been healthier, I still ate a decently healthy meal. I had 1 beer, a salad w/ a vinegrette, and a bbq chicken calzone. It was pretty good too.

After that, it was time for Lydia's pregame birthday party. I did pretty good (drank no beer, ate a little bit of cake) and now I'm exhausted. It was definitely an interesting night.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Good morning

I got up a little earlier this morning but I was still moving slow like I have been the past few days. For breakfast, I had a cup of coffee and a bowl of grape nuts.

That's about it for right now. I'll post later.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I'm on the Campus Appeals Board and tonight I had my first 2 hearings. It was intense. I was definitely ready for a good workout when I was done. I followed the WOD and did 10 x 100m sprints. I ate a banana before I ran and then when I came back, I had a breakfast sandwich (whole wheat english muffin, 2 pieces of canadian bacon, piece of cheese, 2 eggs, and 1 tbsp. of peanut butter) and had a bowl of grape nuts.

Now, I'm about to shower and go to bed.


One of those days....

Ever have one of those days? For the most part, everything has been ok, just a little crazy. But, the dry cleaners didn't have my stuff ready for me that I needed to wear tonight. Luckily, I had a backup plan. Then, I tripped and bit my tongue really hard. I think this is all because I couldn't fall asleep last night. On the food front, everything today has been pretty good except breakfast (I had a banana as I was running out the door). For a snack, I had a can of V8 and some almonds. Then for lunch (which will be my dinner as well) I had a salad with low-fat ranch dressing and some turkey. And then for my second snack I had a V8 and some almonds as well. I'm about to eat dinner because I have a 4 hour meeting tonight and then after that - time for the WOD. I couldn't be more excited.

I'll post how it went later tonight.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Back on track

Today, I got up and made breakfast - 3 eggs (4 white and 1 whole) w/ low fat cheddar cheese, onion, and canadian bacon and a piece of whole weat toast with a little bit of peanut butter. Then, I worked out. I followed the Workout of the Day (WOD) with some slight modification. Here's what I did:

-1/2 mile run warmup (5 min.)
-14 rounds in 20 minutes of: 5 assisted pullups and 5 overhead squats w/ 55 lbs.

I could've a little more weight but my knees were bothering me this morning.

After, I had some turkey and a banana for lunch. After some shopping, I came back and had a bowl of strawberries and blueberries. I'm getting ready to go back to school and I'll eat before I go. I'll post when I get back tonight.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

The last 2 days

I didn't write down what I ate on Friday, but I definitely stayed on track. One thing I did have was sushi which is great if you're watching what you eat.

Today was also pretty good. 3 eggs (1 whole and 2 white) w/ onion and cheddar cheese, 2 pieces of rye toast, and some raspberries for breakfast. I was at a baseball tournament all day, so I didn't have lunch. Tonight was CHEAT MEAL! Once a week, I get to eat anything I want. Since I'm back home, we had Lou Malnati's for dinner which is the best pizza in Chicago. I also had a beer, which is ok because it was cheat meal.

I'm starting to see some results. I'm down 10 LBS.!!!! But, more importantly, my clothes are starting to fit better. My jeans are definitely looser and I need to buy new khaki shorts because the ones that I have don't fit.

Finally, I've made an interesting observation. When I first decided to have this blog, I did it to help me stick to my diet. I didn't think I was going to have any issue going and working out, but I was going to struggle staying true to my diet. And, the opposite has happened. I don't really have any problem sticking to my diet, but going and working out. My schedule for the next 2 weeks is going to be kind of crazy as I am traveling in the last half of both weeks, but I need to make a better effort to go and workout and stick to Crossfit. It is definitely the best workout program out there, and if anyone is trying it, please post to my comments to let me know how it is going for you.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Very good day

For breakfast, I had a cup of coffee and some turkey. I needed to leave more time to get ready in the morning. For a snack, I had a handful of almonds (the greatest snack in the world) and a V8. For lunch, I had the other salmon cake that I made the other day and a salad. For an afternoon snack, I had an apple and another handful of almonds.

Once I left work, I came home, changed quickly and then went to the fields. I umpired 2 games and while I was there, I had a bottle of water and 2 Powerade's.

Now I'm about to eat Jimmy John's for dinner because I am starving and I don't want to make anything. It's a bootlegger club on wheat with dijon and cheese and no mayo. Pretty good for delivery food!

Have a good night!


It's getting easier

So last night at Jake's, I drank club soda the entire time. Very good. Then after, we all went over to Scott's and hung out by the pool but first they needed alcohol. We went to Wal-Mart and instead of buying a) alcohol or b) crap to eat, I bought a protein bar and some cut fruit to eat.

Great night chilling and solving the world's problems.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No workout today

Today's eating is pretty well. For breakfast, I had a power shake that was made out of 1% milk, peanut butter, oatmeal, yogurt, chocolate whey powder, and ice.

For lunch I had a salad from Boiler Market. For a snack, I had a V8, some red pepper, and 2 string cheeses. For dinner, I had half of a turkey sandwich that had cucumber, lettuce, green peppers, and Grey Poupon on it.

I'm about to meet some people at Jake's, but I'm not drinking. I'll update later.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Goal

I've got a new goal to add to the list. Lydia's birthday is in 2 weeks and I am not going to drink until then. This will be a little difficult because of the Indy 500 and Memorial Day weekend, but I'm gonna do it.


Now that's what I'm talking about

Today was a great day. For breakfast, I had a cup of coffee (black) and a bowl of Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch. I didn't have time to pack any food (which I should've, that's the only bad thing about today), so I had to go out to lunch.

I ended up going to Pita Pit, where I had a chicken pita with lettuce, onion, tomato, cucumber, green peppers, cheddar cheese and a little ranch dressing. The only thing that could've improved this meal was no ranch dressing and only a little cheddar cheese.

For dinner, I had a meal from the Men's Health Abs Diet. It was a great, low fat, healthy, salmon cake (like a crab cake but with salmon). It's made from:
-1 can of salmon
-chopped green onion
-old bay
-red pepper
-1 egg
-crushed crackers

and it's cooked in a small amount of peanut oil. I cooked it up and let it sit on a paper towel to drain the oil. I then made a salad of mixed greens, cherry tomoatoes, cucumbers, and green onions. I tossed it in some light ranch dressing and served the salmon cake on top of it.

Then I went and worked out. I kicked my own ass and I love it. Here was today's workout:

3 x for time:

-800m (1/2 mile) run
-35 crunches
-15 back extensions

I was able to complete this, but I had to walk a little more than I wanted to. But, in summary:

-I ran 1 mile and walked 1/2 mile
-Completed 105 crunches
-Completed in 45 back extensions

in a total time of: 29:32!

It would've been faster, but there are some stupid people who got in my way. Let me just say this, THE GYM IS NOT A PLACE FOR KISSING YOUR UGLY, OUT OF SHAPE BOYFRIEND. DO WORK OR GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!

Have a great night,

Monday, May 21, 2007


So today was going good...until I forgot to eat before my game. By the end of the game, I was starving. Then, instead of going home and eating, I stopped at Spurlock's and had a beer with Eric. At that point, I was really hungry, and went to Wendy's and had 2 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and a large fry because I didn't feel like eating any of the good stuff that I had at my house.

This is really hard to write because I'm forcing myself to be really honest with everyone. Tomorrow will be a better day.


The last few days

Well, the last few days have been interesting. I've lost 8 lbs. in the last 2 weeks, but I went slightly off my diet this weekend. I also didn't work out Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or today.

However, today I'm back on my diet, I've been doing a lot of heavy lifting / moving around, and I'm umpiring a game tonight.

Tomorrow, I'll be back in the gym.

Today, I've eaten an egg sandwich, had a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and onion on it, a V8, some slices of red pepper, and a few almonds.

I'll post tonight about dinner.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rest Day

Yesterday was a rest day from the workout. I was way too sore to do anything. I had another egg sandwich for breakfast, some almonds for a snack, and a chicken breast with steamed veggies for dinner.

I spent all day cleaning and doing laundry today and I am wiped. Egg sandwich for breakfast and a healthy meatball sub for lunch. Now, I'm watching the Cubs game and am going to head to Lydia's for dinner.

I was going to go to the gym earlier today, but they had already closed. Today is a rest day for Crossfit anyway. Tomorrow, I'll be back on track with the program.

Have a good evening!


Friday, May 18, 2007

Awesome Day

In this post, I'll do everything that I ate today and then I'll do my workout.



-2 eggs (2 white, 1 whole)
-2 slices of Canadian Bacon (it's actually really good for you)
-slice of cheese
-1 whole wheat bagel

It's a great breakfast sandwich - I also had a banana with it

For lunch, I had a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a banana.

I met up with Jason and his mom for dinner, and I had a Buffalo Chicken Salad with low fat ranch dressing

Everything was great until I went over to watch Grey's at Lydia's. I received a bit of bad news and I ended up eating about 5 slices of quesadilla and drank a bottle of wine. Definitely could've done without all of that, but it's summer - next time, I'll be better.


7 x 3 reps of push press:
1st - 95 lbs.
2nd - 115 lbs.
3rd - 125 lbs.
4th - 6th - 135 lbs.
7th - 135 lbs. but I could only do 2 reps

After that, I rode 5.5 miles on the bike.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting up with my cousin Alison but I should be able to keep my diet up.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Great day

I love Crossfit!!! Instead of going shopping this afternoon like I said I was going to, I played catch with Ryan and then went and worked out.

Before the workout, I had Jimmy Johns and a yogurt. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge - 2 x 50 ft, 1 x 35 ft
20 Squats - 2 x 20, 1 x 16
10 Back extensions 3 x 10

I don't remember what I had to eat after the workout, but on my way to the grocery store, I ended up at 9 Irish Bros. I had 1 vodka and tonic to drink.

I finally made it to the grocery store and after getting back at midnight, I had a toasted whole wheat bagel and a yogurt.

Great day, time to get some rest.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

So tired

So last night, I didn't go to sleep until 4:30 and I woke up at 7. I'm wiped. I've kinda laid around all morning but now I'm starting to move. I've had two bowls of oatmeal (I know, I should've had one, but I don't have any food) and two cups of coffee. I'm gonna put away my laundry and then go grocery shopping for the good stuff.


Pretty good tonight

A few of us were hanging out tonight, good to see friends that I haven't seen in a few weeks. I only had a few beers and some pizza rolls - which is good cause normally in a situation I would eat way too much. Now, the question is, do I have anything decent for a snack right now before I go to bed?


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Getting better

So for lunch, I had a little tuna w/ onion and low-fat ranch dressing and a yogurt. When I was on the road, I had a grilled chicken breast from McDonalds (good!) and a medium fry (bad!). But, when I stopped again, I was able to pick up some almonds instead of all the other crap they sell there. So, all in all, not too bad.

Tonight, I will be having a few beers because it's a family reunion.


Good start to the day

I didn't sleep so well last night (weird ass dream) but I got a really good start to the day. After a cup of coffee, I worked out and had a great meal. Here it is:

3 x 10-15 reps

-Samson stretch
-Overhead squat
-Assisted pull-ups
-Bench dips

After drinking a lot of water, I had eggs and a banana for breakfast:
-4 whites, 1 whole egg
-Canadian Bacon
-Chopped Onion

Time to shower up, pack, and hit the road.


Eh, not so good

Lunch was good. I had a salad with shrimp, chopped onion, chopped red pepper, a little olive oil, and salt and pepper. I also had a banana and a yogurt. Then, instead of driving back to my apartment, I had to stay another night because my car needed to get fixed. I went to help coach my Dad's baseball team and that threw my schedule all off. When I got home, I was starving. I had a turkey and salami sandwich, with a few chips, a cookie, and a few beers.

Tomorrow will be a better day.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 1: Meal 1

Today shouldn't be too bad. I'm getting ready to go back to school and I just need to make sure that I bring snacks with me so I can eat on the road and not stop and eat. Here's what I've eaten so far:

-3 eggs (4 whites = 2 eggs, 1 whole egg)
-Chopped onions
-Chopped red peppers
-Chopped Canadian bacon (surpisingly pretty good for you)

-Cup of coffee

I'm about to hop in the shower and run some errands. I'll keep you posted


P.S. I just found 20 bucks as I was going through some old things

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A little bit of work

Well, I can't really workout yet because of my wisdom teeth but I was able to get out and do some yeard work. I mowed the lawn and did about an hours worth of using the weed wackere which was a lot more of a workout than I thought.

Tomorrow starts the meal plan...more to come later.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Intent of Crossfit

Even though Jason has been talking me into doing Crossfit for the last few weeks, I still wasn't sure that I was going to do it this summer until I read this. This is taken from the FAQ section of the Crossfit website:

"CrossFit is in large part derived from several simple observations garnered through hanging out with athletes for thirty years and willingness, if not eagerness, to experiment coupled with a total disregard for conventional wisdom. Let me share some of the more formative of these observations:

1. Gymnasts learn new sports faster than other athletes.
2. Olympic lifters can apply more useful power to more activities than other athletes.
3. Powerlifters are stronger than other athletes.
4. Sprinters can match the cardiovascular performance of endurance athletes even at extended efforts.
5. Endurance athletes are woefully lacking in total physical capacity.
6. With high carb diets you either get fat or weak.
7. Bodybuilders can't punch, jump, run, or throw like athletes can.
8. Segmenting training efforts delivers a segmented capacity.
9. Optimizing physical capacity requires training at unsustainable intensities.
10. The world's most successful athletes and coaches rely on exercise science the way deer hunters rely on the accordion."

Enough said. Crossfit it is.


Monday, May 7, 2007

Mind Set

I realized tonight that for the past 12 years, my fitness goal has been to get bigger. When I started wrestling in 7th grade, I was light for my weight class, so I was told to put on weight. When I started playing in football, it was the same thing - "Eat and and lift...and get bigger!" The goal was always to get big. For the first time in my life, it's ok to be's ok to weigh less than 200 lbs. I think that knowing that it's ok to be lean and fit and not necessarily huge is going to help me go far.

I also realized that while I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled and it'll be difficult to eat solid food, I'll still be able to make really healthy Men's Health Abs Diet Smoothies that will allow me to start on my eating plan.


World Class Fitness in 100 Words

-Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat

-Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups and presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.

-Fix or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.

-Regularly learn and play new sports

Taken from "The Crossfit Journal", October 2002

Goals, pt. 1

"If we don't know where we are going, how are we going to get there?"

Goals are one of the most important things you can have when you are starting a new fitness program (or anything for that matter). By setting goals, I have a target to aim for and something that'll keep me motivated when the times get tough. When I set goals, I like to have one big main goal that will be very challenging for me to achieve. To help me accomplish the big goal, I set a few smaller goals, each with a dealine and action plan as to how I'm going to achieve it. The biggest benefit of having small goals (or milestones) is that they are easy to achieve and help me stay on track for the big goal. Here are my goals:

Big goal:
-In 12 months, I'd like to weigh 200 lbs, lose 6 in. off of my waist, and be able to complete CrossFit workouts

-In 12 weeks, I'd like to lose 20 lbs of fat and lose 3-4 inches off of my waist.
-Reevaluate at 6 months to determine if anything needs to be changed to accomplish my big goal.

I will be adding more milestones later, but right now that is the main thing that I want to accomplish. I am the leader of the orientation program at Purdue and I will be speaking on stage in August to a crowd of 6,000+ people.

In the next few days, I will be posting about the plan I will be using to accomplish my goals.


P.S. I just found out that I have to get my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, so my timeline will be shifted back a week because I will not be able to eat solid food for awhile.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hey there - A preview for things to come

Hey everybody,

This is going to be my online journal for keeping track of my progress of my "Get Fit" program for the summer. This will force me to stay disciplined with my eating plan and eating program. Currently, I am in the middle of taking finals at Purdue University. Once these are done, I will be posting daily about my daily meal plan as well as my physical activity for the day.

Eventually, I'd like to help others get involved with getting in better shape. I have a 12 month plan that I will be implementing to raise my strength, lower my body fat %, and be more fit.

Stay posted! There is much more to come.
