Friday, August 31, 2007

Baby steps

Tomorrow begins the Get Fit Program 2.0. Instead of doing random workouts and going running, I'm going back to Crossfit. I'll also be following my eating plan more closely. Watch for a post tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm back

Oh yeah...I'm feeling pretty good - I ate pretty well today and I ran for a decent distance as well. My next big goal is a Bar Mitzvah that I'm going to in Ft. Lauderdale in Thanksgiving. My laptop is about to die so I'll post more tomorrow - but I'm back!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Second Coming

BGR 2007 is now over! It was a great year and it is definitely bittersweet that it's over. With that, it's time to reevaluate my fitness goals - because goal number one was to get in shape for BGR. I lost 20 lbs. and 4 inches off of my waist before BGR - but I definitely put a little bit of it back on. Now, it's time to look what's happening over the upcoming semester and year. Keep posted for what is going to be happening in the next few weeks (sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm still extremely sleep deprived).