Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's amazing what happens when you eat breakfast

So, for the last few days (actually about 2 weeks), I haven't really been eating a good breakfast. Either I've been skipping it all together or eating something small like a yogurt. I've also noticed that my energy levels have been down throughout the day. Well today, I forced myself to make enough time to have some eggs in the morning. What a difference it made. I had great energy throughout the day, was pumped and ready to go for my workout, and still had energy to play Capture the Flag with friends at night. I can definitely say that breakfast makes all the difference in the world.

I also had a really good workout. It was supposed to be 3 rounds for time of 45 lb. thrusters x 35 reps and 20 pullups but for the first 2 sets I was actually doing push jerks (I forgot what a thruster was until I looked at the guy next to me doing clean and jerks.) For the 3rd set, I did 35 thrusters and then pushed myself to do 25 more because I goofed ont he first 2 sets. I was so pumped that I pushed myself that hard (because that was the 3rd set after a lot of lifting over my head) that I forgot to do the pullups. Next time, I'll write my workout down when I go to lift - even if it was as simple as it was today.


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